Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sleep Specialist $769

For the 10th day in a row (at least it feels that way, it may be the 7th) Bellerina woke up at 5 am and refused to put herself back to sleep.
During the first 5 minutes of letting her cry and hoping viciously that she would put herself back to sleep I found myself trying to diagnose the problem.
Is it too hot in there? Too cold? Is the fan too loud? Is light somehow getting through her shades of doom? Did she leak through her diaper? Is there a rouge mosquito pinching her awake? Is the cat using her for a pillow?
When I went in after 5 minutes to lay her down and assure her that we hadn't abandoned her she was just standing up in her crib, crying, no cat, no mosquito. Of course, when I went to lay her down she fought me like a lion.
Why you ask?
Because for the last few mornings, in a sleep deprived stupor, I have made a fatal error. I've picked her up and laid down in the guest bed with her so that I could sleep more.
Stupid Mommy, sleep is for people who haven't bred yet.
So tomorrow morning will probably bring round 11 of this battle.
I hope that my will is strong enough to avoid bringing her in bed with me, but when I have less than 7 hours of sleep I turn in to a bumbling idiot. Which would explain the last 13 months.

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