Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Dishwasher $60

I know that we're all dishwashers almost every day.
Moms, non-moms, Klingons and Sarah Palin, I'm sure that we all wash dishes, no matter what weird species we are.
But some days it feels like a major accomplishment for some reason!
Today was totally one of those days...after I got done doing a sink full of dishes I felt like I'd run a marathon.
Ok, maybe not a marathon since I would probably expire, but like a road race with hills, which would still be super tough for me.
I looked back at the sink and thought "wow, that is some sparkling clean awesomeness".
And then Bellerina wanted yogurt.
But it was fun while it lasted.

1 comment:

  1. I thought I was going to pass out after doing post-dinner dishes the other night (which may be a sign I need to start working out again). PS - Dishwashers are seriously underpaid.
