Saturday, June 5, 2010

Safety Specialist $203

I know Britax is the best, but I was hoping to save my black market kidney sale for when Bellerina is headed off to college.
So, I spent the morning Saturday researching car seats that are at a more reasonable price point.
Car seats bring out hilarious and wide-ranging reactions in people. On one end of the spectrum is the "You HAVE to buy a Britax because it's safest, then you HAVE to take it to the fire department so that they can install it, then you HAVE to get it checked out every time you adjust the straps to make sure it's still in correctly". On the other end of the spectrum you have "I rode on the back window of my father's car and I'm fine, I don't even see why you need a car seat, she's already 1".

Why are only the nutters with the most extreme positions vocal (obviously this does not only apply to car seat discussions)??
When I ask my normal friends about car seats I typically hear "I don't know, I bought some Graco something, works out fine!"... which is what I did. So if you're looking for a toddler car seat, don't ask my opinion, even though I just did all that research I've already forgot the name of the Graco model we ended up with.

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