Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Border Patrol agent $183

Bellerina is like the Switzerland of this house, she feels like because she has yet to publicly announce her agenda (we know you have one, you're not fooling anybody) and remains "neutral and impartial" she should be allowed to travel wherever she wants to unfettered.
Not so my dear, not so.
In this house there is some strict border patrol.
And it only rears it's ugly cigarette and food confiscating head when Mama needs some alone time.
For example, at 7:05 this morning when Mama really just needed to take a shower and get ready for work and you got shut out of the bathroom.
I was semi-heartbroken by your crying outside the door for the first few minutes, and then really, I just wanted to take a shower in peace.
So unfortunately you did not receive your visa in to the bathroom until we were ready to accept immigrants at 7:15am, clean and refreshed.
Thank goodness Dada was available to offer you temporary political asylum.

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