Friday, November 26, 2010

Bomb Squad $250

Let's just start off with one side note: These guys do not get paid enough.

Nothing says "wow we just had a great party" like waking up to a total explosion in your house.
The bomb did not spare a single sector, the living room was caught up in its wake, along with the kitchen (obviously), the dining room, and a dessert table disaster (which I promptly grabbed a piece of chocolate from...just doing my part cleaning up).

Bomb squad clean up was already in full force when I woke up since my husbando can't sleep when he knows that there is a mess to clean! So I just rolled up my sleeves and joined in, with my eyes half open, praying that a cup of coffee would magically descend from the heavens and insert itself directly in to my blood stream.

Ah, the holiday morning after. Nothing quite like it.

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